Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Monday, 29 August 2011
Radiation-induced mutation breeding of plants was precursor to modern-day GMOs
And there are those, including this author, who say the short sighted technocrats who gleefully meddle with nature are serving a larger vision of depopulation.
The Atomic Energy Plant Mutation Breeding
Not many know about the precursor to today's GMO madness. Shortly after WW II, a movement for peaceful applications of atomic energy, "atoms for peace," began.
Learn more:http://www.naturalnews.com/033441_GMOs_mutations.html#ixzz1WPRDlSjz
Cesium in incinerator dust across east Japan | The Japan Times Online
Sunday, 28 August 2011
Kan wants Fukushima nuke waste storage site | The Japan Times Online
FUKUSHIMA — Prime Minister Naoto Kan on Saturday asked Fukushima Prefecture to host a temporary facility to store soil and debris contaminated with radioactive materials from the crippled nuclear plant.
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Fukushima caesium leaks 'equal 168 Hiroshimas'
TOKYO — Japan's government estimates the amount of radioactive caesium-137 released by the Fukushima nuclear disaster so far is equal to that of 168 Hiroshima bombs, a news report said Thursday.
Government nuclear experts, however, said the World War II bomb blast and the accidental reactor meltdowns at Fukushima, which has seen ongoing radiation leaks but no deaths so far, were beyond comparison.
The amount of caesium-137 released since the three reactors were crippled by the March 11 quake and tsunami has been estimated at 15,000 tera becquerels, the Tokyo Shimbun reported, quoting a government calculation.
Fukushima fallout said 30 times Hiroshima's | The Japan Times Online
Video footage of Tatsuhiko Kodama's impassioned speech before a Diet committee in July went viral online recently, showing the medical expert's shocking revelation that the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant spewed some 30 times more radioactive materials than the fallout from the Hiroshima atomic bombing.
Tatsuhiko Kodama |
Officials to inspect agricultural products without advance notice | The Japan Times Online
The farm ministry will conduct spot inspections for radioactivity on produce from 14 prefectures in northeastern and eastern Japan, as no checks had been conducted in about 100 of 600 municipalities in those prefectures by late July, ministry officials said.
Vegetables, rice, meat and tea produced in the prefectures are subject to inspections amid the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant disaster.
Produce found to contain radioactive materials exceeding the state-set limit will face a government-imposed shipment ban. Such checks are usually done by municipalities, but they are under no legal obligation to perform them.
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
DC quake turns off two nuclear reactors
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
Evacuate FUKUSHIMA - 福島の子供を守れ
Part 1 - The whole international press have blackout the worst catastrophe in modern history. So this is a humble reminder of what really is going on in Fukushima and beyond today ! There is a crime against humanity happening right under our nose and all we can hear is a deafening silence. Please spread this video as much as you can ... in the name of humanity ! Thanks !
PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION AND FORWARD TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW. It will take a second ... a second the children of Fukushima do not have ------> ipetitions.com/petition/evacuate_fukushima/
Monday, 22 August 2011
Sunday, 21 August 2011
Cesium detected in a Miyagi boar
Cesium detected in a Miyagi boar
Hot spots mapped
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Reducing Radiation Exposure with Natural Remedies.
1. Nascent Atomic Iodine
Radiation has a direct effect on the thyroid gland, prohibiting its ability to create iodine, an imperative player in healthy DNA integrity, immune function, metabolic and endocrine balance, as well as cardiovascular health. Supplementing with nascent atomic iodine helps counteract the effects of radioactive Iodine. It is one of the single most bio-available forms of iodine, and may be effective in aiding individuals exposed to radiation by lowering accumulated and stored radioactive toxins in the thyroid. Detoxadine® is Global Healing Center’s brand of standardized nano-colloidal nascent atomic iodine manufactured with a unique transformative bio-elemental matrix using a revolutionary process. This means that it will be gentler on your digestive system than other iodine supplements.
2. Potassium Orotate
In addition to radioactive iodine, the body may also be exposed to a radioactive isotope of caesium known as Cesium-137. This is formed as bi-product of nuclear fission. Potassium orotates can prevent the accumulation of Cesium-137. In fact, getting enough potassium from food such as bananas is a good first step at preventing radioactive cesium 137 retention. That said, potassium in the diet may not be enough. According to the CDC, potassium can play a major role in protecting the body and thyroid gland after an internal contamination, as in the example of the Japanese nuclear reactor explosion. Potassium Orotate is the best form of potassium to use for radiation exposure.
3. Calcium and Magnesium
Each of these essential minerals can decontaminate a form of nuclear waste known as Strontium 90. Dr. Linus Pauling recommends calcium supplementation, as it can lower Strontium absorption by up to 90 percent. I recommend using calcium and magnesium orotate found in the product IntraCal.
4. Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO)
Dimethylsulfoxide is an antioxidant sulphur compound. Studies show that DMSO actively detoxifies and protects the body from the effects of harmful radiation. One study from Japan found that even small amounts of DMSO offered radio-protective benefits on human DNA and overall cellular structures. It also neutralizes exposure from radio-isotopes. Studies show that the X-irradiation that can damage the body’s Kupffer and serous cells can be prevented with the use of DMSO.. Animal studies also show that rats exposed to x-ray radiation could be protected from the negative effects of the exposure via the intake of DMSO. This chemical could at least partially protect the rats by halting the typical toxicant reactions associated with radiation. Another study from the School of Medicine at the Yokohama City University in Japan found that DMSO offered protective effects for cell destruction, as well as DNA aberrations, in mice exposed to radioactive substances.
5. Zeolites
Nuclear waste is typically “cleaned” or “stored” in the environment by mixing it with Zeolite clay and packing it underground. Zeolites can attach themselves to and remove nuclear waste from the cellular level. In fact, one European study found that Zeolite clay was an effective decontaminate for animals affected by the nuclear waste disaster in Chemobyl. Zeolite clay can also be taken internally for detoxing radiation. Perhaps the best evidence proving that Zeolite helps detoxification of radiation was its widespread usage in the nuclear meltdowns at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and the British Nuclear Fuels (BNF), where it was used to absorb radioactive strontium and cesium – 137 from walls and floors. Similarly, the United States’ nuclear weapons facilities use Zeolite clay to line walls and floors to prevent toxicity.
6. Other clays
There are many types of clays that bond to nuclear waste from the body. Others include Kaolin, Red Clay, Bentonite, Fuller’s Earth, Montmorillonite. French Green Clay is another absorptive clay shown to possess the ability to rid radiation, toxic metals and chemical residues from the human body. This should come as no surprise, as clay has often been used by engineers, and by the environment itself, to remove toxins from the body or ground. Again, it was also used at Chernobyl in 1986. In fact, the former Soviet government added this type of clay to chocolate bars that were then given to citizens to help them remove radioactive waste from the system.
7. Activated Charcoal
Another wonderful substance heralded for its absorption properties. Studies show that charcoal possesses the unique ability to neutralize radiation, and that 10 grams of charcoal can neutralize up to 7 grams of toxic material.
8. Papain
Papain is a cysteine hydrolase extracted from papaya fruit known for its ability to reduce toxicants. In one laboratory study on rats, it was found that half of rats supplementing with papain could survive a lethal amount of radiation, whereas control rats did not survive.
9. Bee Pollen
Initial evidence suggests that bee pollen may significantly lower the negative side effects of radiation exposure, in particular that of radium, x-rays and cobalt-60 radiotherapy. Because exposure to radiation lowers many of your body’s natural vital substances like white and red blood cells and antibodies, bee pollen is a natural way of boosting these vital functions.
10. Beets
Upon radiation exposure, the body’s blood haemoglobin can be broken down. Studies show that beets can help aid the body in rebuilding this damaged haemoglobin. In fact, animal lab studies have shown that rats eating a diet heavy in beet pulp were able to more effectively reduce the effects of radioactive cesium-137 than rats who did not eat beets. In fact, the beet-eating rats absorbed and detoxified up to 100 percent more effectively than the control group animals.
11. Cold-pressed Organic Vegetable Oils
Oils such as sesame oil, extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil also help pull radiation out. Sources recommend drinking 4 ounces of oil if you have been exposed. Not only do the lipids in the oils bind the toxins, they also offer a protective layer on cellular membranes. Studies done on mice exposed to lethal doses of x-rays have found that the mice can survive if they are given oil. Another study on mice found that olive oil could protect the mice against high doses of x-rays ranging from 300 to 2,400 roentgens.
12. Organic Brewers Yeast
Sources recommend using organic Brewers use for prevention against radiation exposure. In terms dosage, 5 mg. to 15 mg. should be given to children, and 25 mg. to 50 mg. can be given to adults. For cases of direct exposure, these amounts can be doubled, or tripled. Brewer’s yeast may aid the body in both repair after exposure, as well as protection.
13. Organic Germanium-132
An oxygen-rich, free-radical scavenging organic compound. When we are exposed to radiation, the rays from this exposure release harmful electrons the kill blood cells (haemoglobin). Organic geranium has been shown to snatch up these radioactive rays, allowing them to move freely inside the nuclear structure of the Germanium, instead of entering the human cells and bloodstream. This is related to geranium’s ability to protect the amino acid cysteine, in the human body. Other studies showed promising results involving the use of germanium-132 and a strong reduction in cell death in those cells exposed to cesium-137 and gamma rays. Currently, the Japanese are recommending 100 mg. per day.
Friday, 19 August 2011
Water decontamination a 'major challenge' in nuclear crisis: Hosono
Water decontamination a 'major challenge' in nuclear crisis: Hosono
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Unpopular cargo: Radioactive waste shipload coming
Unpopular cargo: Radioactive waste shipload coming
Delivery set to raise serious questions over long-term storage
Hot potato: The Pacific Grebe, which set sail from the U.K. on Aug. 3, is Japan-bound with 38 metric tons of highly radioactive waste.INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR SERVICES LTD. / BLOOMBERG |
NGO offers wisdom from Chernobyl
NGO offers wisdom from Chernobyl
Monday, 15 August 2011
NGOs, academics call for abolition of nuclear plants
Drawing parallels between the nation's nuclear policy and the Imperial Japanese Army — both of which caused unwarranted grief to the public — University of Tokyo professor Tetsuya Takahashi urged the government to revise the nation's energy infrastructure.
Sunday, 14 August 2011
Fukushima update: Radiation danger continues
The picture above was taken on the side walk of Hakusan Dori in Bunkyo-ku in Tokyo, and was uploaded on July 30. The air radiation in Bunkyo-ku has been higher than the official Tokyo number (measured in Shinjuku-ku, western central Tokyo), along with several other eastern "ku" (special wards of Tokyo).The person who took the picture says, "About 30% of azaleas on the sidewalk are completely dead. Ginkgo leaves are browning."
Saturday, 13 August 2011
Disease from radiation threatens to leave people of Navajo nation extinct in Arizona